




Chiropractic Assistant Training Course Topics

Each month, Kim Klapp spends at least 30 hours updating the next current chiropractic assistant training course to ensure you get the most up-to-date success strategies for your practice. However, if you don’t want to wait for a topic to be updated as the Current Course of the month, you may purchase an archived version of the course. Even better, become a Gold Member and receive complimentary access to all archived courses!

Each online video course is approximately one hour in length and includes a PDF of course materials PLUS original files for easy implementation. We make it easy so you can make it happen!

You may purchase any individual course below for $297 each. A.C.E. members save 33% (log in to receive your discount). Gold members get all courses at no additional charge!

Course Topics

December 2023: FRONT DESK Systems

Empower your front desk CA in all the ways they can drive the growth of your practice from the front desk. This course covers:

•How to make sure your front desk environment is sending the right messages

•Harnessing the power of focus at the front desk

•How to avoid front desk pitfalls that lead to patient balances and will-calls

•The VIP treatment to build relationships

•How to reinforce that chiropractic care is essential

•How to maintain the right state at the front desk: physically, mentally & emotionally

•5 easy ways to create referrals from the front desk

•Organizational systems to increase practice capacity and patient volume

•Communication strategies to increase collections and patient retention

“We boosted collections and implemented the front desk duty checklist.”
“I’ve been working daily on giving great customer service on the phone and in person.”
“We have added new systems to our front desk to help us be better organized. I’m focusing more on the patients.”
“I feel more confident when speaking with patients.”“
It helped me become more organized and effective.”

January 2024: TEAM BUILDING Systems

•Getting everyone on the same page with team communication strategies

•How to run a positive, productive and growth-oriented team meeting

•Making sure you have the right CAs on your team

•How to hold your team accountable

•How to avoid “turf wars”

•Creating a win-win bonus system that really works

•Keeping your team on-purpose

•How to empower your CAs to reach practice goals without stress

•Incorporating visualization to reach practice goals

•Empowering your CAs to handle conflict

•Avoiding miscommunications that create stress

•Getting rid of office drama

"It really opened my eyes and taught me not only to be a better office manager, but to be a team player."
"We’ve been working as a team better, which is great because we’ve become busy with new patients, exams and office visits. Everything flows well now!""
I’ve up-leveled my thinking about the quality of our team members and how positive we need to be.""
Our team communicates a lot better now so that everyone knows exactly what’s going on. We are all in the process of becoming fully cross-trained so that we can become an efficient team."
"Upon open communication and weekly meetings with office staff we have been highly successful at reaching our goals in which we desire to achieve."

February 2024: NEW PATIENT EXPERIENCE Systems

•How to increase referrals from day 1

•How to develop a R.I.C.H. foundation with new patients

•What it takes to make an excellent first impression

•How to turn a phone shopper into a new patient

•The key to patient satisfaction and how to ensure a long-term relationship

•The 3 critical procedures to end a successful first visit

•Why 95% of our new patients attend our Doctor’s Report/Orientation

“We have reiterated the importance of making sure the patient is the most important thing in the office. We’re going out of our way to WOW them, and they are far more likely to stick to their care plan and to refer new patients to our office.” – Dave
“I am more educated in talking with our patients, friends and family about chiropractic. We have increased in new patients and most are from referrals! I definitely want to give each and every one of our patients a “wow” experience!” – Jennifer
“By improving our prospective patient script, we feel more connected to the new patient and they also are more connected to the office. Since we improved it, we have not had any new patients miss their appointment!” – Amanda“
After really focusing on new patients and patient procedures, I feel confident in our new patient WOW experience. Now I look forward to new patients because they are so much fun!” – Lindsey

March 2024: Doctor's Report & SECOND VISIT Systems

Not only will your CAs better understand chiropractic care, they will also learn the 4 keys to patient retention and practice success. Find out why:

•99.9% of our new patients attend our Doctor’s Report

•They rave about it (even if they’ve been under chiropractic care elsewhere)

•They commit to chiropractic care beyond pain and symptom relief

•They comply with the doctor’s recommendations

•They understand how we objectively measure their nerve function

•Your CAs make a HUGE difference–especially immediately after the ROF

Includes our incredible ROF & Doctor’s Report video for new patients!

“Implementing treatment plans and ROFs have upped our average collections!”
“I now realize how important education is and how it keeps patients understanding the benefits of chiropractic beyond pain relief.”
“We have done a great job communicating the importance of chiropractic care, especially to new patients.”
“I learned how to better explain to our patients the difference between corrective care and relief care.”
“We have become more enthusiastic and in turn have had more of an increase in client compliance with attendance.”

April 2024: PATIENT PAYMENT Systems

Your team will learn:

•How to increase payments TODAY at the front desk

•How to collect pre-payments with the right financial consultation

•How to prevent collection problems with clear communication

•How to break through the 6 most common barriers to collections

•The 3 critical components of an effective fee plan

•How to handle and overcome objections about finances


“Our patient payments have increased!” – Kay
“We have collected more money since using the techniques from this topic.” – Renee
“We have increased our collections with daily payments and more patients on cash plans. I’ve personally gained confidence with collecting.” – Heather
“We have really cut down on any patient balances. All our CAs are stepping up to collect.” – Mary Kay
“This course helped me become more confident and get rid of my fear of speaking to patients about their balances.”
“We are collecting more money, and making sure patient balances are zero, if not a credit.” – Melissa & Nikki
“Patients are sticking to care programs better now. Patient numbers are growing again. Plus, we’re not having to send out as many statements as before.” – Stacy

May 2024: APPOINTMENT & RECALL Systems

•Preventing missed appointments which increases collections

•The most effective scheduling techniquesHow to handle scheduling obstacles

•Avoiding unconscious sabotage on the phone and at the front desk

•Virtually eliminate no-shows

•Today's recall strategies for both new and established patients

•How to ensure that your patients don’t end up M.I.A.


“Wow!…is all I can say about this course. It addressed so many issues about scheduling and attitude and is helping us to change our practice. This course was worth the entire price of Gold Membership. It is the meat and potatoes plus the finesse that separates the truly well-run practices from the struggling ones.” – Dr. Cynthia Shaft-Toll
"Our rescheduling numbers have gone up and our reactivations have also!!!”
“We are able to schedule patients out 4 weeks in advance with no problem!”
“Our team has really improved on getting appointments rescheduled rather than cancelled.”
“We have been tracking our new patients better and it’s working! People are keeping their appointments and our office visits are up!”
“I realized that even though we think we are doing a good job, there is a lot of room for improvement. Enjoyed getting information on how to communicate better with patients. Using some of the tips you mentioned, I got a patient who NEVER scheduled her next appointment to start scheduling!”


•Masterfully systemize your insurance billing and collections

•Prevent rejections and delays

•Overcome collections obstacles

•Incorporate effective time-management strategies for claims tracking

•Deal with stall tactics

•Successfully make collections calls

•Increase your cash flow

•Create an effective claims tracking system

“Thanks Kim for all the GREAT information! Got almost $3,000 from one insurance company using the insurance tracker form you shared with us. WOW!” – Bonnie
"We’ve been doing a way better job at making sure all new patients info is put in correctly before billing. We met all of last month’s goals!” – Brittany & Rachel
“I’m staying on top of claims and patient payments and insurance collections. No waiting until it is out of control.” – Carol
“My aging report is making huge progress!” – Rachel
“I have been able to collect on claims that are a year old!”
“This past month we have collected on several delinquent accounts that I have been unsuccessful at in the past. I feel my confidence and communication skills have improved.”
​“We are developing solutions for insurance stall tactics to INCLUDE PATIENT PARTICIPATION to eliminate the “HE SAID-SHE SAID” scenarios with ins. companies that position our patients against us. Plus, all of our patients are referring more than ever before!!! Thank you KIM!” – Dawn

July 2024: SUCCESS MINDSET Systems

•How to put the positive in your practice

•How to make things happen instead of making excuses

•6 steps to getting what you want

•The best strategies for overcoming obstacles

•How to put the law of attraction to action in your practice

“We have found that creating a better environment in our practice has dramatically shifted the vibe in our office. We’re getting more new patients and reactivating old ones!” – Lisa
“Last month, I focused a lot on our ‘ideal’ patients who schedule recurring appointments, call ahead to reschedule, understand that this is a lifestyle change, etc.)…we had a huge increase in new patients this month! The Universe knows we’re ready for more!” – Marina
“We’ve definitely had a more positive atmosphere and have actually seen an increase in referrals this week!”
“We’ve used positive thinking and techniques to manage stress to better deal with challenges in the office. We’ve been able to increase productivity and revenue.”

August 2024: PATIENT EDUCATION Systems

•8 strategies to help the message “click”

•How to master chiropractic issues to move from “click to stick”

•Effective metaphors for symptom-treatment, long-term care and nerve interference that really hit home

•To communicate the difference between being asymptomatic and healthy

•To connect with patients in a way that makes a difference to the success of your practice

“We have found that with more patient education and appreciation, we are getting more referrals and more patient retention.”
“Educating patients more on the benefits of chiropractic has increased our patients keeping their appointments.”
“It got me re-excited about learning, educating and being better at my job.”
“Your education ideas were great! I hope to inspire our team to be more vocal about educating patients on a day-to-day basis and I’d like to see us incorporating some of your fun ideas.”
“Knowing the importance of patient education has made me more conscious of when a patient mentions a family member or friend who could benefit from chiropractic.”
“We have had more patients tell us that they better understand the importance of chiropractic and how it benefits their lives.”

September 2024: COMMUNICATION Systems

•The R.I.C.H. foundation to communication for long-term patients

•How to avoid sending the wrong non-verbal message

•Listener strategies that build stronger connections to patients

•How to avoid mixed messages and miscommunications

•How to answer the question that patients really care about

•How to ask strategic questions to get more referrals, collections, compliance, etc.

•5 strategies to delivering your important message

•How to avoid communication don’ts

•How to ensure a successful patient encounter

•How to incorporate rapport and matching for more effective communication

“The Pat Responses are awesome. They answer clients’ questions without being vague or beating around the bush. Our office has met our goals and we have had a great month for patient compliance and referrals thanks to our good communication skills and focusing on our message to our patients.”
“I’ve changed the way I say things to patients and it has made a difference. Patients are more compliant with positive impact questions.”
“I’ve started answering more questions with confidence. I’m more on top of getting missed appointments back in, thanking the patients, and expecting more from everything.”
“I have actually noticed much stronger connection in a shorter amount of time spent with patients!”
“Since focusing on better communication, the clinic flow is continually improving!”


Brand new presentation (speaker TBD). PLUS access to 10 archived presentations on Chiropractic Philosophy for CAs with:

•Dr. Gilles LaMarche

•Dr. Bob Hoffman

•Dr. Heidi Haavik

•Keith Wassung

•Dr. Monika Buerger

•Dr. Brian Kelly

•Dr. Guy Riekeman

•Dr. Dan Murphy

•Dr. Pat Gentempo

•Dr. Bob Hoffman

•Dr. Dan Sullivan

October 2024: INTERNAL MARKETING Systems

•The marketing aspects of CA responsibilities which are integral to practice success

•The most effective strategies for relationship-building

•The fundamental mindset components to marketing

•4 critical checks before embarking on an event

•How to develop an internal marketing event calendar rather than slap together a knee-jerk reaction approach to falling practice statistics

•My 6-step formula to ensure event success

•The 5 basic types plus over 50 examples of events that will make your office more “attract-ive”

•Includes a detailed event planning worksheet and step-by-step event timeline

"This is probably the best training I’ve ever heard! Carry on warrior!” – Dr. Luke
"This course was the most information I have ever had on internal marketing protocols. Moreover, thank you for starting out with WHY!! This program has been great for the CAs and more importantly for the practice and clients we serve.” – Dr. Grant
"Our local fundraiser has attracted 20 new patients so far! I especially loved all the ideas for chiropractic fun days. Those are right up my alley! Kim, you are amazing, thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!” – Cassi via facebook
"I couldn’t be more excited about all the wonderful ideas you shared. Thank you so much, Kim!” – Jennifer via facebook"
"All of the office staff has absolutely LOVED this seminar! We are thrilled to boost the number of activities and enthusiasm within the office. Thank you!"
"I got a lot of great ideas for marketing and promoting our office. I learned ways to appreciate our patients more. We are to focus on reactivated old patients and also on the ideal patient instead of focusing on ourselves (focus on giving and not always getting!). With the strategies we’ve learned, our volume has increased and we’ve had non-stop new patients and also reactivations!"
"We were able to use a lot of the ideas to plan out our calendar for the year. We picked 7 things to do throughout the year to promote internal marketing and getting referrals. Now that we have our events down, it’s a lot easier to plan for them because you are not trying to figure out what to do two weeks before Thanksgiving or Earth Day, or whatever you are celebrating! We are very excited about this year and ready to grow!” – Lindsey
"Our practice member appreciation days went great. Everyone loved them; we will do it again!! We are keeping our facebook updated!” – Jen
"We completed a whole marketing schedule for the next year! We got lots of great ways to show our patients appreciation internally that don’t necessarily cost money. Great promotion ideas that will incorporate into our marketing plan.” – Lana
"We got lots of ideas on how to celebrate the office and how to apply it to chiropractic. I find myself thinking more often about marketing ideas and ways to grow the practice. We’re realizing we need to be better planners and look ahead each month to stay on track with events. I learned lots of great ideas!” – Brandy
"The course was awesome; it taught us different ways to have fun in the office and still get referrals.” – Lanie
"I really liked the detailed event planning resources and the many examples regarding the events."
"There were lots of fun ideas provided! It got us all thinking ‘out of the box’ about how we can help our patients enjoy their chiropractic experience even more!"
"The quality of time spent is more important the the quantity. I’m focused on building as many long-term relationships as possible."
"Our new marketing calendar has helped us plan ahead for our Patient Appreciation Days. We’ve noticed that even small details make a huge difference to patients.” – Daniela
"Having action steps and written goals has helped keep us focused on on track."
"Wow! We’ve been able to finally get organized and put our plans into action! We did our internal marketing event and it went great. Patients had a good time. We really enjoy doing special events. I really think it sets our office apart from others.” – Carol

November 2024: NEW PATIENT ATTRACTION Systems

Includes a brand-new presentation by Dr. Stephen Simonetti on workshops that make a difference in your community and for your practice. PLUS access to a bonus presentation on generating leads and effortlessly converting them into new patients, AND access to the archived 2020 course that includes:

•Dr. Tom Klapp’s W.O.W. PowerPoint presentation download

•Step-by-step details to organize a Lunch & Learn, Dinner or other W.O.W. forum

•5 avenues for promoting your W.O.W. to ensure a full room

•Timeline and checklist to systemize your W.O.W.s

•All scripting, templates, handouts, materials and more you need for success

"I attended the Klapp’s W.O.W. presentation at Life Vision. Dr. Tom and Kim give you the opportunity to have a quantum leap in new patients IN THE NOW. I have attended many programs in my 60 years of practice and this is by far the cleanest, clearest and simplest method of just DOING IT! Do not procrastinate, take advantage of what they have to offer. Not only will you be happy but you also will start many patients on the road to good health." —Chuck Ribley, DC
"The system that the Klapps have offered is tried and true. Even better–it’s simple! We love it!" -Deborah, MI
"A big thank you to Dr. Klapp for his W.O.W. seminar. I definitely learned a lot and do plan on sharing the information that he presented to our own patients and my own friends and family. I really appreciated it; it is a GREAT seminar. If I were new to chiropractic and heard this seminar I would definitely be making an appointment!” – Bonnie
"The doctor and I both benefited from this! You’ve done a great job simplifying the process and helping us to overcome our fear!"
"Loved the presentation–great health information. Received lots of good info that will help me personally as well as help me educate our patients and be able to talk to them more about their health and make suggestions."
"Thanks for the great tools for us to use. Our first talk went exceptionally well! Every guest who attended signed up for an appointment within the week! We’ve already scheduled our next dinner!” – Dr. Barone, IL
"Thank you so much for all your help. Your guidance has helped us so much with the dinner talk we just did. We had a great turnout and a lot of new patients and conversions so again thank you for your wonderful wisdom.” – Amanda, PA

December 2024: OFFICE Systems

•How to create simple and effective systems

•How to constructively handle potential practice stressors

•Keys to patient and staff compliance

•How to build a growth-oriented team

•Patient and team communication systems

•Personnel, patient and office policies

•New CA training systems

•Internal communication systems

•Team accountability systems

•Communication systems with patients

•Office systems for processing patients

“We’re following our checklist daily with more of a smooth traffic flow. I have a clearer vision of what the doctor expects for our practice and out of me to be a great CA.”
"I’m going to be focused to do everything I can to help our business succeed & grow.”
“We learned about training new and existing employees, helping team members communicate, and to always make patients first priority.”

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