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Internal Marketing Systems


  • The marketing aspects of CA responsibilities which are integral to practice success

  • The most effective strategies for relationship-building

  • The fundamental mindset components to marketing

  • 4 critical checks before embarking on an event

  • How to develop an internal marketing event calendar rather than slap together a knee-jerk reaction approach to falling practice statistics

  • Kim's 6-step formula to ensure event success

  • The 5 basic types plus over 50 examples of events that will make your office more “attract-ive”

  • Includes a detailed event planning worksheet and step-by-step event timeline

Feedback from offices like yours

"This is probably the best training I’ve ever heard! Carry on warrior!” – Dr. Luke

"This course was the most information I have ever had on internal marketing protocols. Moreover, thank you for starting out with WHY!! This program has been great for the CAs and more importantly for the practice and clients we serve.” – Dr. Grant

"Our local fundraiser has attracted 20 new patients so far! I especially loved all the ideas for chiropractic fun days. Those are right up my alley! Kim, you are amazing, thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!” – Cassi via facebook

"I couldn’t be more excited about all the wonderful ideas you shared. Thank you so much, Kim!” – Jennifer via facebook"

"All of the office staff has absolutely LOVED this seminar! We are thrilled to boost the number of activities and enthusiasm within the office. Thank you!"

"I got a lot of great ideas for marketing and promoting our office. I learned ways to appreciate our patients more. We are to focus on reactivated old patients and also on the ideal patient instead of focusing on ourselves (focus on giving and not always getting!). With the strategies we’ve learned, our volume has increased and we’ve had non-stop new patients and also reactivations!"

"We were able to use a lot of the ideas to plan out our calendar for the year. We picked 7 things to do throughout the year to promote internal marketing and getting referrals. Now that we have our events down, it’s a lot easier to plan for them because you are not trying to figure out what to do two weeks before Thanksgiving or Earth Day, or whatever you are celebrating! We are very excited about this year and ready to grow!” – Lindsey

"Our practice member appreciation days went great. Everyone loved them; we will do it again!! We are keeping our facebook updated!” – Jen

"We completed a whole marketing schedule for the next year! We got lots of great ways to show our patients appreciation internally that don’t necessarily cost money. Great promotion ideas that will incorporate into our marketing plan.” – Lana

"We got lots of ideas on how to celebrate the office and how to apply it to chiropractic. I find myself thinking more often about marketing ideas and ways to grow the practice. We’re realizing we need to be better planners and look ahead each month to stay on track with events. I learned lots of great ideas!” – Brandy

"The course was awesome; it taught us different ways to have fun in the office and still get referrals.” – Lanie

"I really liked the detailed event planning resources and the many examples regarding the events."

"There were lots of fun ideas provided! It got us all thinking ‘out of the box’ about how we can help our patients enjoy their chiropractic experience even more!"

"The quality of time spent is more important the the quantity. I’m focused on building as many long-term relationships as possible."

"Our new marketing calendar has helped us plan ahead for our Patient Appreciation Days. We’ve noticed that even small details make a huge difference to patients.” – Daniela

"Having action steps and written goals has helped keep us focused on on track."

"Wow! We’ve been able to finally get organized and put our plans into action! We did our internal marketing event and it went great. Patients had a good time. We really enjoy doing special events. I really think it sets our office apart from others.” – Carol

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